Upcoming Information Sessions
Friday, Sept 2, 2-3pm; 2550 UH Adventures Abroad: Rangel, Gilman, Boren and other awards for study abroad
Wednesday, Sept 14, 3-5; 2550 UH Gilman Scholarship Workshop
Friday, Sept. 23, 12-1; 2550 UH Asian American students and scholarships
Tuesday, Sept. 27, 12-1; 2650 UH Goldwater, NSF GRFP, Udall, NDSEG and other science scholarship opportunities
Friday, October 7, 12-1; 2550 UH Truman, Pickering, McKelvie and other public service scholarships
Tuesday, November 15, 12-1; 2550 UH Spring scholarship preview
If you find something on the listserv or through the website you wish to apply for, please contact OSSP, who will help you with the application process in all its steps. 312-355-2477,ssp@uic.edu