Want to learn about leadership?
Want to connect with other UIC students?
Want to spark a change at UIC?
The IGNITE Leadership Experience is a semester-long exploratory leadership program designed to help first- and second-year undergraduate students gain leadership capacities and get involved in UIC. IGNITE will help you gain insight into the values, communication, and leadership competencies necessary for positive involvement on campus. It is our hope that you will go out and live these ideals in your involvement on campus and the community.
· Must be a UIC first- or second-year student
· Must commit to attend every IGNITE session on Tuesday nights from 3:45-6pm starting September 22 and ending November 21.
o Unfortunately, due to the nature of our program, if you have a class/work/personal conflict that overlaps with our program schedule, you are not eligible to apply for the program. Please consider applying next year!
· Must attend the Catalyst Leadership Retreat on Saturday, September 19 from 9am-5pm.
We will be holding two optional information sessions:
September 10 at 3pm-4pm in Student Center East Conference Room 389
September 14 at 3pm-4pm in Student Center East Conference Room 389