The UIC Campus Advocacy Network (CAN) provides free services to students, staff and faculty who are experiencing domestic/dating violence, sexual assault/abuse or stalking.
CAN services are designed for people of all genders, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities, religious beliefs, and abilities. We are dedicated to ensuring that all members of the community feel safe, listened to and valued.
CAN is a completely confidential space and we will take no action until you ask us to do so.We are committed to working together with survivors of violence to identify the options available to them both on and off campus, and accompanying them in navigating the options they choose to pursue.
We can help survivors access financial resources and housing and academic accommodations.We serve as confidential advisors that both Title IX and Campus SaVE say must be made available to survivors.
We can accompany you to any and all interviews and hearings - off and on-campus, including those with the Title IX Office, the Dean of Students Office and the State's Attorney's Office.
When you come to CAN, we will let you know that:
- it's not your fault, no one deserves to be a victim of these crimes
- we believe you
- we are here to help you explore all of the options available to you
For a full listing of the services CAN provides, as well as more information about sexual assault, stalking, and abusive relationships, please go to our website at
The Campus Advocacy Network is a program of the Women's Leadership and Resource Center at UIC.
CAN staff are available Mon-Fri from 10am-5pm at 1101 West Taylor Street, 3rd Floor (above the Chicago Public Library).
Please call 312-413-8206 to schedule an appointment, or email
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