via the Wellness Center:
UIC Students! Food Insecure?
If you are a student that experiences very low food security, the UIC Pop-Up Pantry is for you!
Very low food security is defined as a disrupted eating patterns and reduced food intake- USDA
You will need: i-card, multiple reusable bags, and facial mask (required)
The Pop-Up Pantry currently accepts both food and monetary donations. No amount is too small!
If you want to support the Pop-Up Pantry: Click here to find out how to donate!
Days: Wednesdays and Thursdays
Times: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: UIC Wellness Center Student Center East (SCE), 750 S. Halsted Street, Suite 238312-413-2120
**Temporary Summer 2021 Location (Starting May 26th): Student Center East: Tower Room 713