nnovate with the Department of Homeland Security: Funding and Research Opportunities for Academics
Research Development Brown Bag Lunch Webinar
Date/Time: Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CT
Location: Zoom, registration available at https://research.uic.edu/events/rdbrownbag-innovatewithdhs-20240313/
As a federal agency, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science & Technology Directorate (S&T) is responsible for the science that strengthens the nation’s overall security and develops and delivers technologies for those on the front lines to complete their missions. DHS S&T casts a wide net to find and use the best technologies, from artificial intelligence and machine learning to climate adaptation, community and infrastructure resilience, communications technology, transportation, biometrics, chemical-biological threat detection, first responder capabilities, data visualization and analysis, cybersecurity and more.
DHS S&T offers several innovation funding programs and research opportunities for students and academic researchers. In this webinar, DHS S&T staff will introduce student internship programs, faculty early-career research opportunities, and funding for research and development (R&D). Learn how academics can propose novel science and technology ideas to get R&D funding; how researchers and entrepreneurs can move federally funded technologies from lab to the market; how students can access paid research internships and how a broad range of small businesses (for the future business-inclined) can apply for up to $1M in R&D funds through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program. Whether you are faculty, staff or a student, there are many ways to work with DHS S&T. The webinar will cover opportunities such as the Homeland Security Startup Studio (HSSS), HS-POWER research internships for students, S&T’s Long Range Broad Agency Announcement, and the DHS SBIR Program. Don’t miss out on this chance to connect directly with these leaders in innovation and discover DHS S&T opportunities for you!
- Megan Mahle – Director, DHS S&T Office of Industry Partnerships
- Gregory Simmons – Program Manager, DHS S&T Office of University Programs
- Dusty Lang – Director, DHS Small Business Innovation Research; Program Manager, Long Range Broad Agency Announcement
- Dee Parker – Industry Liaison, DHS S&T