Facets Internships are a great learning experience for anyone interested in event coordination, film, fundraising, writing, marketing, publicity, non-profit development & PR. Facets internships are unpaid. There are 2 internships still open for summer (descriptions below):
1) Festival Programming Assistant
The Programming Assistant works closely with the Programming Director to coordinate Festival submissions, process entries, and develop and execute film screenings, workshops and special events. Candidates should have a background in film production or criticism, have strong writing skills (for note-taking, correspondence and film descriptions) or have coordinated events. Interns can gain experience in project management, event coordination, research, film programming, writing and publicity. Duties include:
* Research and solicitation of festival entries. Includes correspondence by phone & e-mail with international filmmakers and organizations.
* Organizing information and materials for all entries including: descriptions, photos, publicity materials (posters/flyers), contact information & technical information (format, running time, country of production, year of production, etc.), fees and preview/screening formats (DVD's/prints).
* Reviewing submissions and providing Programming Director with detailed notes on content, plot, character, objectionable material, and programming suggestions.
* Organizing information and materials for Selection Committee and Juries.
* Assisting with writing and editing program book and schedule materials (film, workshop & special event descriptions, fact checking).
* Development of film screening programs, receptions, and workshops (programming).
* Project management, assistance and/or facilitation of screenings, workshops, special programs or receptions. Could include: writing, logistics, supplies, technical assistance, public relations, publicity, location set up/take down, communications liaison, reports, box office, crowd control, talent coordination, stage management, or other event management type duties.
* Correspondence with filmmakers, film distributors, speakers, workshop leaders, and the general public regarding festival film programs, workshops & events.
* Editing, duplicating and proofing screening program DVD's.
* Assistance with marketing and publicity of screenings, workshops and events.
* Assistance with workshops, screenings or special projects as requested.
2) Facets DVD Label - Sales, Marketing & Publicity Internship
The Facets DVD label distributes international and independent films on DVD, digitally and in theatres around the country. Interns will participate in all aspects of independent film distribution including DVD releases, digital delivery and educational marketing. Tasks involve customer research and development, creating marketing materials and Internet campaigns, coordinating with press, creating promotional video clips, designing press kits, and interacting with filmmakers. Duties are in the field of film distribution - This is not a production job. Applicants should be web-savvy and proficient with both PCs and Macs and Excel. Photoshop skills not required but appreciated. Interest in film marketing and distribution, and/or film publicity is a plus. The environment is informal and collaborative and involves direct contact with all levels of Facets staff. Daily tasks include:
* Working with Sales team to research additional sales outlets.
* Assisting staff with tracking and archiving of reviews and other media.
* Maintaining and updating the Facets EDU word press site.
* Assisting in the production of email promotions and press releases.
* Assisting with mailings to media and other contacts.
* Streaming of clips for current and past Facets DVD releases.
Please let us know if you are interested in being considered for these opportunities. We are interviewing now.
[If you have not already done so] To be considered for an interview, please submit the Facets Internship Application and your resume. The internship application is attached or filled out online<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1SnLBu0vuc4Eqy-qOYvd46FjAXFCsJ2pAE04MTUwj9a0/viewform?c=0&w=1>.
We also have a volunteer opportunity for the summer with our Facets Kids Film Camp for ages 7-14, teaching film theory and vocabulary, basic production skills, and critique. Dates of the program are June 20 - August 5. If you are interested in learning more about volunteering for Facets Kids Film Camp, please let me know! It's a great way to learn more about Facets, and get involved.
We are also happy to consider your application for the fall 2016 or anytime in 2017. We will be doing interviews for the fall in July. All opportunities are available. For complete list of internships & details visit Facets Internships<http://www.facets.org/internships.php>.