GirlForward is a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to empowering adolescent refugee girls who have been resettled in the U.S. We are looking for interns who can support our Camp GirlForward program this summer in both AUSTIN, TX and CHICAGO, IL! Camp GirlForward is GirlForward's academic summer program designed to meet the needs of girls with limited and interrupted educational backgrounds through instruction in various subjects, as well as enrichment activities designed to build confidence and leadership skills. Camp is built on the tenets of social justice and will involve intensives in reading, writing, and research.
GirlForward is seeking a Camp GirlForward teaching intern to support our Camp GirlForward lead teacher in the classroom and during enrichment activities. This position works directly with the Camp GirlForward lead teacher, as well as with GirlForward's Program director and serves as both a teaching assistant and camp counselor.
Specific responsibilities include:
- assisting lead teacher with classroom management
- assisting lead teacher with curriculum development
- working one-on-one with girls in the classroom
- leading small groups of girls in group discussions and activities
- assisting with planning and coordination of field trips
- grading assignments
- helping girls navigate transportation to/from Camp GirlForward
- contributing blog posts to GirlForward blog about experience
- completing administrative tasks such as preparing materials, monitoring supplies, tidying office, attendance related data entry
For more information, go to the following link: