Women’s Health Initiative is a group of students interested in learning about health disparities across different communities and cultures. We see the healthcare complex as an interaction between all kinds of fields: medicine, public health, policy, law, journalism, and more.
Our first speaker of the semester is Dr. Natasha Crooks who is an Assistant Professor in the College of Nursing at UIC and her research program centers on addressing sexual health disparities in Black girls and women. Findings from her grounded theory research entitled “The Process of Becoming a Sexual Black Woman'' led to the development of a conceptual model describing the sociocultural processes and conditions that influence Black female sexual development and STI/HIV risk . Her future research goals include developing and conducting multilevel STI/HIV prevention interventions to improve Black female sexual and reproductive health across the life course.
Please join us on February 9th from 5-6pm via Zoom: https://uic.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIqdOCorz0sE9FA_5tUTPHUgMU6HQ6FtUmq.