Each year the National Security Education Program awards David L. Boren Scholarships to outstanding U.S. undergraduates through a competitive national merit-based process. Since 1994, NSEP has awarded approximately 2,828 Boren Scholarships. Each Boren Scholar goes abroad to a critical country to study its language and culture. Awards are for up to one academic year. Boren Scholars demonstrate their merit for an award of up to $20,000 in part by committing to work for the U.S. Government for at least one year.
How can I get more information? Attend an information session with Alison Mary Patz, Program Analyst, Defense Language and National Security Education Office at 1pm on Friday, October 23 in UH 850. Ms. Patz will speak about the undergraduate scholarship and the graduate fellowship both of which enable students to study abroad in non-English speaking countries outside of Western Europe.
Boren Scholarship Basics:
Award Amounts Maximum scholarship awards are:
$8,000 for a summer program (special initiative for STEM students only; 8 weeks minimum) $10,000 for a semester $20,000 for a full academic year
Length of Study Boren Scholarships promote long term linguistic and cultural immersion, and therefore study abroad proposals for two or more semesters are strongly encouraged.
National Security The program focuses on geographic areas, languages, and fields of study deemed critical to U.S. national security. Descriptions can be found on the website: http://borenawards.org/boren_scholarship/basics.html
Program Preferences Boren Scholarships are awarded with preference for countries, languages, and fields of study critical to U.S. national security. Descriptions can be found on the website: http://borenawards.org/boren_scholarship/basics.html
Government Service In exchange for scholarship funding, all Boren Scholars must agree to the NSEP Service Requirement. Description can be found on the website: http://borenawards.org/boren_scholarship/basics.html
Application Details: UIC’s application deadline is January 15, 2016. The Boren national deadline is February 9, 2016. Students applying at this time will be considered for summer 2016, fall 2015, spring 2017 and Academic Year 16-17. Students interested in applying for the Boren can contact me at bpowers@uic.edu following the information session.
Details about the Boren Scholarship can be found at http://borenawards.org/boren_scholarship/basics.html