The Honors College is a proud cosponsor the Future of Chicago lecture series. This program brings current and former leaders to campus to discuss the current state and future of Chicago. Honors College students are known to be involved in and passionate about issues in the city and so we offer a chance for you to meet these speakers in a small-group lunch to be held after the lecture series. The talks occur from 12:00-12:50 in BSB 140 and the lunches will be held immediately afterward from 1-2pm. The lunches are limited to 15 students and seats are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
The tentative schedule for Fall 2015 is:
Wednesday, October 21: County Commissioner and former Mayoral Candidate Jesus “Chuy” Garcia, RSVP by 10/16. Note: Lunch is cancelled for 10/21, but you may still attend the lecture at 12pm!
Monday, November 30: Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, RSVP by 11/25
As an Honors College student you are invited to attend any of the sessions above. Please RSVP for the date(s) you would like to attend:
Note that if you plan on attending the lunch you are expected to also attend the lecture to further the discussion and conversation during the lunch.
The lunches are limited to 15 students and seats are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. A confirmation will be set two days prior to the event to those who are selected.
Contact Eliza Callahan ( for additional information.