The College Drinking Project is a combined effort between Northwestern University and SIMmersion, a company based out of Baltimore. The project aims to teach college dorm advisers how to better talk to their residents about problem drinking. Part of this project involves the dorm advisers playing through three different simulations that they might encounter with actors. These interactions are audio recorded and will need to be scored based on a variety of competencies.
The job we are currently hiring for is to listen to, and code these tapes based on a scoring guideline that will be provided. Hours will be flexible and can be completed at home. The total hours will be around 300 for the duration of the project.
Please have your students apply by sending a current CV and a cover letter to me at detailing their qualifications and what would make them a good fit for this project. Training will take place the second week of October and is mandatory.
Nicole Hayes
Clinical Psychology Graduate Student- Child Psychopathology and Treatment
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine