DESCRIPTION Part time undergraduate student to assist with experiments in a research lab that focuses upon visual neuroscience, and clinical studies on vision. The student will be responsible for data analysis, statistical modeling, and data coding. Student will work as part of a team as well as independently. This work is suitable for an Honors Program thesis or for research experience. The lab studies the following areas: retinal ischemia and neuroprotection, ischemic tolerance, stem cell rescue in vivo, optic nerve damage and prevention, and clinical studies in optic nerve injury. for more details and to see some of our publications go to pubmed: author= Roth S; keyword = retina
QUALIFICATIONS Past research experience is helpful but not required. One position is suitable for a student who should have interest in biostatistics. The student should have knowledge of and ability to competently work with statistical software such as Stata or SPSS, Excel, image analysis such as Image J, and Matlab or related programs. the other position is for a student who is interested in neuroscience or visual science. Previous lab experience is helpful but not required. I can accomodate up to 4 students per semester. I am also a clinician so students may have the opportunity to participate in clinical studies or see procedures being performed.
LOCATION Nation Wide no City Chicago State/Province Illinois Country United States
JOB FUNCTION Math/Statistics, On-Campus at UIC, Research, Science
POSITION TYPE On-campus : Laboratory assistant UIC- Dept. of Anesthesiology Home Account Calendar Profile Jobs Resume books On-campus recruiting (OCR) Surveys Events / Information Sessions h
DESIRED MAJOR(S) Health Information Management, Bioengineering, Math & Computer Science, Statistics, Biomedical Visual
CONTACT INFORMATION Dr Steven Roth Professor 1740 West Taylor Dept of Anesthesiology, UIC Chicago, Illinois 60612 United States 312-996-0052