HON 201 An Introduction to Faculty Research on Diversity – 1 hour
13770 10:00 – 10:50 W L. Baptista
NOTE: This course will be held in 200 AH (The AACC Library)
The Honors College embraces the university mission of supporting an understanding of diversity. As such, the College offers “An Introduction to Faculty Research on Diversity.” This seminar introduces students to the range of research conducted by UIC faculty members on topics related to race, ethnicity, prejudice, discrimination, diversity, social identity, cultural understanding and diaspora, etc. Faculty from colleges and disciplines across campus engage students in accessible and informative presentations that explore both the subject and methodology of their research.
Interested? Register online. Want to see more options? View the full list of Honors courses for Fall 2015! Remember that taking an Honors course can fulfill your Honors Activity requirement. Or if you already have an idea about what to do for your Honors activity, consider taking these exciting courses for your personal growth and enrichment!