HON 201 Biomedical Discovery and the Media – 1 hour
CRN: 13684, 1:00 – 1:50 pm on Fridays, Professor R. Debreuil
We live in an era in which scientific discovery is happening at breakneck speed. Every day there are news stories that update and extend the material in our textbooks. For the layperson, there is a daunting assortment of new information to absorb. In this course, students will learn about connections between science and society by looking at how new discoveries in biomedical science are communicated to the general public. We will analyze current news stories as a reflection of what scientific advances have the greatest impact on society. At the same time we will have the opportunity to explore routes used to communicate scientific information to the public. In addition, there has been a fundamental change in the way that we access information. We will debate whether the change has made things better or worse, from the point of view of scientists. We will ask: How is scientific communication evolving, and what are the challenges for the future?
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