The American Theater Company Youth Ensemble is currently staging Greensboro, a documentary play about the aftermath of the Woolworth's lunch counter sit-in in Greensboro, NC.
The Greensboro sit-in was one of the crucial events which sparked the civil rights movement that swept the country during the 1960s. The play tells the story of a group of protesters who joined the demonstrations, motivated by the refusal of four Black youths to leave the Woolworth's "Whites Only" lunch counter in 1960. During the larger protests that followed, many protesters were met with police and public violence--and several were killed.
The script is comprised entirely of verbatim quotes from survivors and associates of the people who participated in that protest.
We encourage all of you--and others you know who may be interested in this historical event, supporting professional-level youth theater in Chicago, or simply good theater--to attend what will certainly be an excellent performance.
Previous ATC Youth Ensemble productions include Gold Star Ohio--a play which documented the profound affect of the loss of several soldiers from small towns in Ohio over a matter of weeks during the first battle for Fallujah--and Columbinus--a documentary play about the Columbine, CO killings.
Greensboro will run from July 16 to August 2, every Thursday through Saturday at 7:30pm and Sundays at 2pm. Ticket are free, and reservations can be made by emailing (greensboro@atcweb.org) or calling (773-409-4125 ext. 107).
More information about the show and the troupe can be found at the ATC Youth Ensemble Facebook page. Further context for the events in Greensboro (along with historic photos) can be found here.