Hello everyone!
We are so excited to be launching the Interdisciplinary Research Journal Club (IRJC) at UIC for undergraduate and graduate students! The IRJC aims to bring together students of diverse backgrounds and different disciplines interested in coming together to discuss interdisciplinary solutions to complex problems.
We will have our first GBM this Monday, October 11th 2021 at 6PM via Zoom. Join us to learn all about IRJC!
Link: www.linktr.ee/irjc.uic
Zoom meeting: https://uic.zoom.us/j/85094199789?pwd=MjMvMGJWazk1ZnRTWVQxaEUrUUo5QT09
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/irjc.uic/
Sign up for the mailing list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aOoXWDVUtAnOzzsWwNr6K7XWis4c8lryIaF5G25gWJ8/edit?usp=sharing