The UIC Student Leadership Conference is the biggest one-day, in-person leadership event on campus! Attendees will be able to hear from keynote speakers; select from a variety of workshops led by faculty, staff, and peers; and network with others in the UIC Community.
The 2022 Student Leadership Conference will take place on Saturday, February 19, 2022 from 10am-4:30pm. This year's theme is And Still I Rise: Leadership Skills for Resiliency and Change. Workshops and keynotes at this year’s conference will focus on topics around flexibility, transition, and being a rockstar leader. More information about the conference, including a schedule of events and workshop topics, can be found at
This program will take place in person, on the 6th Floor of Student Center East. Attendees will be required to comply with the UIC COVID-19 policies, including completing the UIC Healthcheck and Daily Pass, as well as show proof of a negative COVID test within 72 hours prior to the event.
Registration closes on Wednesday, February 9 by 11:45pm. Please note, space is limited, and there may be a waiting list for this event if capacity is reached through early registrations. You will be notified if you are approved to attend this event and/or if you are on the waiting list no later than Monday, February 14.
For any questions, contact Student Leadership and Civic Engagement at