Pre-health Mentor Network is a club dedicated to connecting aspiring healthcare professionals at all educational levels. Our goal is to connect pre-health college students with high school students that are interested in a career in healthcare! Another major goal of our organization will be to build a community where the mentors themselves can seek advice from those that are pursuing a similar path in healthcare (advice on schools to apply to, professors, classes, majors, etc.)! This is a great remote opportunity since all interactions are virtual!
Our Second GBM of the semester takes place this Thursday, 3/4 at 7:30pm and we would love for you to join us as we launch our newest Buddy system program where an underclassman can match up with an upperclassman according to similar interest, professional goals, and majors. In addition, we will be giving tips and tricks on how to make the most out of your experience as a mentor or as a mentee. In addition, we will also be talking about UIC Sparkathon and how you can win a shirt by raising money for the UIC Cancer Survivorship Center! This is an extremely valuable fundraiser for us and we would love for you to join us--we will have more incentives as more money is raised!
If you are still interested in being a mentor for a high schooler, the form will be closing soon, make sure you fill it out before then.
The Zoom link for the GBM will be posted on our linktree on Thursday!
You can find all links mentioned above here:
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @prehealthmentornetwork