Immediately after World War II in 1946, Congress created the Fulbright Program, to foster mutual understanding among nations through educational and cultural exchange. Students participate in English teaching or a self-designed program of study that can include research, university coursework, art projects, language study and more. The grants are available to over 150 countries, and generally provide round-trip transportation, language or orientation courses, maintenance for the academic year, and supplemental health and accident insurance. Applicants must be U.S. citizens who hold a BA or BS by the beginning of the grant period. The UIC deadline will be early in the Fall semester of 2015 for the 2016-17 year, so now is the perfect time for Juniors to start exploring the option!
Fulbright Fellowship Panel of UIC alumni winners
Wednesday, April 22/ 12:30pm /650 University Hall
Lunch will be provided. RSVP is required at
Fulbright Student Award Information Session
Thursday, April 23/ 3:00pm / 850 University Hall
Begin your research now…Fulbright Student Award:
Questions? Contact Beth Powers at