Honors College Leadership Lecture: "From FedEx to Philanthropy: An Investment Banker's Journey"
Charles Ashby “Chuck” Lewis
Chairman, Lewis-Sebring Family Foundation and Coach House Capital
Retired Vice Chairman, Investment Banking, Merrill Lynch & Co.
Tuesday, April 7, 9:30 – 10:45 am in 104 Lincoln Hall
Charles Ashby (Chuck) Lewis is chairman of the Lewis-Sebring Family Foundation and Managing General Partner of Coach House Capital, his family office. He is a retired Vice Chairman, Investment Banking, of Merrill Lynch & Co.
Mr. Lewis is a Trustee of the University of Chicago. He is involved with the UChicago Urban Education Institute and is a member of the Board of Directors of its UChicago Impact LLC unit and of the Governing Board of its UChicago Charter School unit. He is also a member and a life member of the Visiting Committees to the Division of the Social Sciences and to the College at the University, respectively.
He is a Life Trustee of Amherst and of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, a Life Director of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Illinois Chapter, and a Trustee of the Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago.
Mr. Lewis was a member of the National Finance Committee for both Obama presidential campaigns and writes occasional commentaries called “Obamagrams.”
Mr. Lewis was educated at Amherst College and the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He also received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from Amherst.
Sponsored by the UIC Honors College in collaboration with HON 294 Honors Leadership Seminar. Questions: Contact Professor Bill Kohler at bkohler@uic.edu.