Zona Abierta: Latinx Womxn Leaders Across Movements Series
Presented by the UIC Latino Cultural Center and Women's Leadership and Resource Center
Join us in celebrating Latinx Womxn Leaders Across Social and Environmental Movements as each presenter shares their experiences and leadership on topics of labor and worker's rights, immigrant rights, environmental and climate justice, and building transgender & queer Latinx power. Through an intersectional lens, these presenters reveal the complexity and specificity of Latinx Womxn from a spectrum of identities and action-based agendas.
Featured Speaker: Kimberly Wasserman, Executive Director, Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO)
March 17th at 3pm
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/zona-abierta-latinx-womxn-leaders-across-movements-kimberly-wasserman-tickets-144002674877?aff=erelpanelorg
*Live captions (CART) available