Would you like to take a General Education course? These 3 credit-hour courses have seats available:
o HON 140,CRN 26283: Biocultural Perspectives on Stress and Black America (MW 4:30-5:45)
o HON 120, CRN 42302: The Uncommon Good, Prof. Keen (MW 9:30-10:45)
o HON 141, CRN 44417: Public Engagement in Medieval Europe, Fletcher (MW 9:30-10:45)
o NON-FIRST YEAR students need a permission programmed in XEReg. Submit a request so we can immediately authorize you to register: https://forms.uofi.uic.edu/sec/435427861.
o Complete descriptions and specifications of Gen Ed categories are in the courses PDF linked below.
- Many 1 credit-hour HON 201 Seminars (various topics—see courses PDF below for descriptions) and HON 301 Foundations for the Future courses still have seats available!
- Find complete course descriptions at: https://uofi.app.box.com/s/5lzbzyqqryae0ld2depi8r7me19ktt0i.