Hello everyone! Pre-health Mentor Network is a club dedicated to connecting aspiring healthcare professionals at all educational levels. We are currently an organization based in Chicago but welcome students worldwide to join!
7:30 PM
Zoom link in our bio
PHMN was created August of 2020 because going into healthcare today is no easy task, but having others around you that have been through the process or are currently going through it can make all the difference! Our goal is to connect pre-health college students with high school students that are interested in a career in healthcare! As college students, we have gone through the process of choosing a school, which healthcare path was best for us, and experienced many events which could serve as helpful advice to those that are considering healthcare-related careers. It can be intimidating or at times difficult for many high school students to reach out to an advisor and know what to ask, but with connections to people already in your field of interest it can be a lot easier to find your way (this is where we come in)! Another major goal of our organization will be to build a community where the mentors themselves can seek advice from those that are pursuing a similar path in healthcare (advice on schools to apply to, professors, classes, majors, etc.)! This is a great remote opportunity since all interactions are virtual!
No experience of any kind is required! Regardless of your year in school, joining PHMN will be a great way to get to know your peers, those who share interests with you, and to help those that are considering pursuing a path in healthcare similar to yours. This semester we have a lot of social events, new programs, and additional resources for mentorship planned to strengthen the mission of our organization as well as recruit more people!
All pre-health majors/ tracks are welcome!
Link to PHMN linktree: https://linktr.ee/phmn
Interest form (Email list and CampusLab): https://forms.gle/B2N9TVkx4EtRVjA87
Join our slack channel: https://join.slack.com/t/phmn/shared_invite/zt-k01zqa8l-3ZtTuI3NidzB2YO0l4_vAQ