Want to study with a community? Join us at DCC House each week for some company and dedicated work time!
This event is open to everyone-- students, faculty, staff, community members; disabled people, nondisabled people, and people who may not fit neatly into those categories.
ONGOING RSVP at go.uic.edu/StudyDCCHouse Every Friday, 1:00-3:00pm CST Start date: September 4, 2020 End date: December 4, 2020
Access info: We’ll meet on Zoom and use AI (artificial intelligence) captioning for chatting on breaks. Contact us for CART, ASL, or any other access needs at dcc@uic.edu.
Flyer description: A pale peach flyer with large graphic office supplies around the perimeter in peach and navy: a ruler, stapler, eraser, and pen/pencil. The text is bold navy, and at the top is the orange DCC House cat with a peach speech bubble containing a heart