Not sure what to talk about? Try out a few of these questions:
- What got you interested in your field of study/research?
- Did you always know that you wanted to be a [professor/researcher/academic]?
- What suggestions do you have for students to be most successful in your class?
- What is your favorite class to teach? If you could teach a course on any subject, what would it be?
- Do you have any pets? Which is the best pet - cats/dogs/fish/guinea pigs/other animal?
- Also - have a few topics of your own to talk about! Work, research interests, future plans, etc.
Not sure how to ask? You can stay after class, attend office hours, or send a quick email to ask your professor. You can also pair up with a buddy and ask the professor together! Modify the script below for your own needs:
Dear Dr/Professor [insert name],
This is [your name], from [your class - if there are multiple sections provide the day/time in addition to the course name]. UIC is sponsoring an "Invite your Professor to Lunch" opportunity on Thursday, October 18th. I was wondering if you would be available to join me for this event at [insert the time that works best for you, but check the sign up for availability first! If you have a block of time open, you could say "during this block of time"]. I would love to talk with you more about [our class/ your research experiences/ your pets/ any other topic that you might find interesting - what has your professor mentioned in class that you have been interested in?]. Thank you for your consideration!
Thank you (or sincerely or however you like to end an email),
[Your Name]