Via OAD:
MLK Day of Service
January 18, 2021
In-Person or Virtual
Students, staff, faculty, and alumni are encouraged to kick of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration Week with the annual MLK Day of Service. Since there is no class held on MLK Day, we characterize it as “a day on, not a day off." Efforts are made to collaborate with other Chicago events and community areas. This year, due to COVID-19, we will offer a mix of in-person opportunities, held at community partner spaces, as well as virtual service opportunities, developed in collaboration with community partners. There will be a virtual kick-off event for all MLK Day of Service participants as well.
Students can sign up as an individual or with a team. Teams should register ASAP to reserve a spot, especially as in-person projects are limited due to COVID-19 restrictions. Visit to see the opportunities and sign up.
More information about the MLK Commemoration Week can be found at