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  • SJP at UIC's Culture Night: Rhythm & Resistance

    The flyer consists of 4 separate flyers combined into one. On the upper left corner, it showcases "Jeopardy with SJP" in red and white writing with a black background. Attached is a QR code for the participation sign up on the bottom right of the page. The upper right corner is our "Arts of Palestine" event that is in black writing with a key in the background and orange colored background. Lower left corner is "From Pink to Green, Stop the Propaganda Machine" flier that is in black with "pink" in pink, green in green and propaganda in red. In the middle of the page there are 3 pictures of propaganda images with the description of the event below it. Lastly, our culture night flier in the lower right corner is in black, white and gold. The entertainment is pictured on the left side of the page with the invitation on the right middle of the page. There is also a QR code on the bottom right of the page for participants to purchase tickets.
