MPA Undergraduate Registration Fee Waiver by the University of Illinois at Chicago Psychology Department
If you are an undergraduate at UIC who has been recently accepted to present at the annual Midwestern Psychological Association conference for this Spring 2015, you may be able to receive an award to cover your registration fee. If you are interested, please complete this information (which is requested from the MPA Registration website) and email the completed information to the Psi Chi Vice-President Gabriela Valencia ( by February 7th. Only 20 of these awards will be given and they are given on a first come first serve basis. Contact Gabriela with any questions.
- First Name:
- Last Name:
- College/University:
- Email:
- Cell/Work phone:
- Street Address:
- City:
- State:
- Postal (Zip) Code:
- Primary Specialization (clinical, cognitive, developmental, neuroscience, social, teaching, other):
- First joined MPA (if before 2012):