The Disability Resource Center is seeking a Reader/Scribe to support a fellow student in ECON 121: Principles of Macroeconomics.
Duties: Reader/scribe will help a student with a visual impairment complete the requirements for ECON 121. Honors student would attend discussion sections and meet with student as needed outside class to assist with the visual and writing aspects of homework and in-class activities. The student would be responsible for informing the reader/scribe what tasks are needed such as filling out or reading graphs aloud, describing images in detail. Reader/scribe will also provide assistance to student on exams and quizzes throughout the semester.
Qualifications: Previous experience in economics preferred. No plans on taking ECON 121 in the future.
Days and Times: Discussion Section meets Thursdays from 9:30-10:20 a.m. Other days and times as negotiated with student.
Contact Info: If interested please contact Sara Vogt at or 312-413-9467