The James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation offers $24,000 James Madison Graduate Fellowships to individuals desiring to become outstanding teachers of the American Constitution at the secondary school level.
To be eligible to apply for a fellowship, you must: Be a U.S. citizen or U.S. national. Be a teacher, or plan to become a teacher, of American history, American government, or social studies at the secondary school level (grades 7–12). Possess a bachelor's degree or plan to receive a bachelor's degree no later than August 31 of the year in which you are applying.
Professional Teaching Obligation: After receiving the master's degree, each Fellow must teach American history, American government, or social studies in grades 7–12 for one full year for each academic year of funding received under a fellowship, preferably in the state from which the recipient won the fellowship
An info session about this fellowship will be held on Tuesday Jan. 20 at 12pm in 2650 University Hall.
More information is available here:
Students who are unable to attend the session are welcome to direct specific questions to Marcie Reynolds: