What risks does human-induced climate change bring to civilization and how people talk and conceive such risks? This seminar explores the realities and uncertainties of climate science by reading Mann’s book, and discusses plausible scientific, media, business and political critiques of climate-change research and its implications.
The class meets Thursdays from 11 - 11:50am and is taught by Professor Howe. The class is one credit hour, graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory. View more details here: http://www.uic.edu/honors/learning/documents/20151-CourseListWEB.pdf
To view a full list of Honors Seminar offerings for Spring 2015, visit http://www.uic.edu/honors/learning/documents/20151-CourseListWEB.pdf. We encourage Honors students to take Honors Seminars to fulfill your Honors Activity for Spring 2015 (For sophomores, juniors, and seniors not working on Capstones) or just to explore areas of interest and learn about new topics.