Ensuring equal access to the courts for individuals with language limitations is an important issue, especially in Illinois, which has a significant and growing number of people with Limited English Proficiency all across the state. To assist the Illinois circuit courts with providing qualified interpreters, the Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts (AOIC) is launching a statewide certification program for persons with native-like mastery of English and a second language which will require attendance at an orientation and passing scores on written and oral exams. The orientation sessions in October, November and December 2014 will offer information about the interpreting profession, the code of interpreter ethics and modes of interpreting. Interpreters do not need to have experience with interpreting in court to apply.
Upcoming Orientations include:
December 11-12: Grayslake, IL
December 13-14: Springfield, IL
Register by December 8 for either orientation.
To learn more and apply, visit: https://www.state.il.us/court/CivilJustice/LanguageAccess/default.asp