In memory of Stone and Holt Weeks, following their tragic deaths in 2009, NPR and The Washington Post have partnered to give a promising individual the opportunity to launch a career in journalism. This fellowship consists of two sessions, 12 weeks at The Washington Post and 12 weeks at NPR, with training in reporting for print, radio and the web.
The Fellowship is both educational and experiential. At NPR, the Fellow is trained in radio and digital production and report on the National, Washington or Business desk. The Washington Post session gives Fellow experience with publishing original stories and other news content. At both organizations, the Fellow has individual sessions with leading journalists and receive guidance on the most important skills of the trade.
The Stone and Holt Weeks Fellow learns about the role of journalism in "making the world a better place." This Fellowship offers a broad exposure to the relationship between journalism and public education, citizenship, social change and democracy, and will learn that a major aim of journalism, as expressed a century ago by author Finley Peter Dunne, is "to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable."
Candidate Qualifications
Anyone who will have received a bachelor's degree by July 15 is eligible to apply for the Fellowship. Individuals with additional education and experience are welcome to apply. While a demonstrated appetite for journalism is desired, there is no specific requirement for a journalism degree or experience as a journalist.
Application Process
Applications must be postmarked by April 30. Finalists will be notified in early June and invited to travel to Washington, D.C., for an interview with the fellowship committee. Travel costs for the interview will be paid by NPR and The Washington Post. The selected candidate will be notified by the end of June and asked to confirm his or her commitment early in July. The fellowship begins after Labor Day.
Learn more and apply at