IGNITE Leadership Experience
IGNITE is a program designed to help students gain insight into their personal values and leadership style while helping to springboard involvement at UIC. Any undergraduate student with an expected graduation date of spring 2017 or later can apply to be part of the program (typically freshmen and sophomore students). More information about the program can be found at: http://www.uic.edu/depts/campusprograms/board.shtml.
Students meet on Mondays during fall semester to discuss leadership skills and form a plan of action to make change on campus and/or in the community. Participants are also expected to attend Catalyst on September 27 (separate application not needed). Applications to participate in IGNITE are due by 9/14 at go.uic.edu/igniteapp.
We will be holding two optional info sessions:
9/10/14, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., White Oak Room, Student Center East AND
9/11/14, 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., Daley Library, Room 1-470
Catalyst Leadership Retreat
Catalyst is a one-day program designed to allow participants the time and space to consider powerful questions that move them towards actions. The program takes place on Saturday, September 27 from 9am – 5pm.
The program intends to create a community in which participants can engage in meaningful conversations with each other. Catalyst is designed primarily for individuals who are committed to the exploration of possibility, personal integrity, and increasing their capacity to lead. For more information about Catalyst, visit: https://www.leadershape.org/AdditionalPrograms#catalyst.
Space for the program is limited and available on a first-come, first-serve basis. All UIC students are encouraged to apply! Interested students should submit an application by September 17 at go.uic.edu/catalyst.
If you have questions about either program, please contact Carrie Grogan at cgrogan@uic.edu.