Learning to write well is one of the most important outcomes of a college education. You will be using writing to advance your career, further your education, and work productively with others. There is no secret to writing well -- it takes practice and a willingness to get feedback. The Writing Center is a great place to get both practice and feedback. We sincerely hope you will be making an appointment and visiting us!
The Writing Center will be open September 2 to December 10.
- Mondays: 9-5
- Tuesdays 9:30-5:30
- Wednesdays 9-5
- Thursdays 9:30-4:30
- Fridays 9-4
To make an appointment, go to the website, writingcenter.uic.edu. You can meet with a tutor face to face or online.
The Writing Center is located in 105 Grant Hall (also called the Sandi Port Errant Language and Culture Learning Center, next to Lincoln and Douglas Hall.)
You can bring any writing -- they help with resumes and personal statements as well as assignments in any of your courses, including research in the sciences and social sciences.
You can come at any stage of the process, even as you are starting out and do not have much written. Tutors can help you brainstorm, plan, and organize as well as work on final touches.