One component of Dr. Raney's research program on language processing involves measuring people’s eye movements as they read. I am looking for students who have well-developed programming skills to help me write programs to analyze the eye movement data. Preference will be given to individuals who can program in common languages such as Basic and C (or a derivative such as C++), or are skilled with Excel macros. You need to be available at least 6 hours per week (daytime hours). You may participate for credit (e.g., for your Honors activity) or volunteer, and you need to be available at least 6 hours per week (daytime hours). The work could lead to a capstone project. This is not a paid position. Working in a research lab is a great way to gain experience and skills that enhance your opportunity to attend graduate school.
Contact information.
If you are interested in working in Dr. Raney’s language lab, please contact me via email at More information about my research is available on my web site ( You can download an application from Dr. Raney’s web site ( or send an application via the UIC Undergraduate Research Experience web site (