Looking for a part-time job for the upcoming school year? The UIC Library is hiring a research assistant through the UIC AANAPISI Educational Employment Grant. This position pays $10/hour for 8-15 hours/week for Fall 2014.
The student employee will work closely with the supervisor to further develop this project and provide
input from a student's perspective. Duties include, but are not limited to:
• Create an online research guide with a focus on ASAM
• Organize and archive digital images for the Queer Asian American Archive project
• Do research using the library's resources
• Compile a bibliography of monographs within the realm of Asian American Studies or English language learning to aid the library collection
• Examine the library's current holdings in this area
• Communicate with other institutions and departments on campus as needed
To learn more, click on the file below to download the full job description and details on how to apply.