You have an opportunity to nominate a UIC faculty or staff member for the 2014 "Woman of the Year" Award sponsored by The Chancellor's Committee on the Status of Women (CCSW). Established in 1992, this annual award honors a UIC woman who has consistently worked on women's issues beyond the call of duty and who is an exemplary role model. Winners are honored with a reception officiated by the Chancellor and a cash award of $1,000.
The award criteria include providing service to women at UIC while on the job, responding to issues affecting women, and offering service to women through voluntarism and public support of women's programs. All UIC women employed by the University (including faculty, academic professionals or civil service with at least a 50% appointment) or retired faculty or staff who are still actively involved with women issues and/or service at UIC are eligible for the award. A committee of CCSW officers and former award winners will make the final selection from among the nominees.
The final date for submitting nominations is Monday, July 28, 2014 by 5PM. For more information about the Award and about CCSW's other activities, including our mentoring program, subcommittees, and newsletter, see our webpage at