A VA Work Study position is available at the Chicago Workforce Center at Pilsen, located at 1700 W. 18th Street in Chicago.
Requirements: Candidate must be a veteran, enrolled as a full-time student, and using the Montgomery G.I. Bill (Ch. 30), Post 9/11 G.I. Bill (Ch. 33), or Chapters 1606 or 1607.
Job Description: The VA Work Study Student will assist this center with servicing our veteran population by assisting them in searching for employment and resources. The job duties would be answering telephone calls, returning telephone calls, scheduling appointments, providing supportive service information, making folders for these veterans, reviewing their employment registration for completion, contacting employers for potential job opportunities for veterans, assisting with veteran recruitments and veteran job fairs.
The VA Work Study does not take the place of or displace any full-time employee and does not work outside of the veteran program. The pay is minimum wage and the Work Study student cannot work more than 20 hours in a wekk.
If you meet the requirements and are interested in the position, please email your resume to: Jeffrey.Routier@illinois.gov .