Exhibit Opening
THURS May 1 | 4-7pm
800 S. Halsted St.
FREE, All ages welcome.
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Celebrate May Day at the Jane Addams Hull-House Museum! Join us for the opening of the museum's newest exhibit, Unfinished Business: The Right to Play, which explores the history of the social movements that created the first playgrounds, fought for an eight-hour work day, and suggested that time off from work could create a more just world. On May 1, the museum and courtyard will be bustling with activity: field games, food trucks, DJs, live music, and performances by the Jesse White Tumbling Team and other youth ensembles. Rain or shine, we invite visitors to exercise their right to play!
Reception Schedule:
4pm: Food trucks, DJ Sound Culture and "Our Freedom Dreams" canvas unveiling
4:30: Field games and races
6pm: Jesse White Tumbling Team
6:30: Queen Nzinga's Brigade
Exhibit co-sponsored by UIC's Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement (IPCE) and The Institute for Research on Race & Public Policy (IRRPP). Opening reception co-sponsored by UIC's Office of the Chancellor.
If you require any accommodations to attend, please contact jahh@uic.edu. The second floor of the museum is not accessible.