You are invited to take part in a focus group on Wednesday, 4/16/14 at 1PM OR Friday, 4/18/14 at 10AM in a computer lab on EAST campus (exact location will be provided to those who sign up) about searching for scholarships online. The session should last no longer than one hour.
As a participant in the focus group you will be asked to provide feedback on the Office of Special Scholarship Program's website. In particular, you will consider and discuss what is useful about the site and what improvements could be made.
Your views will be used to help us as we make significant changes to the Office of Special Scholarship Program's website in the upcoming year. We hope that insight gained from the focus group will allow us to make enhancements that improve usability (and ultimately results!) for all UIC students and alumni seeking scholarships. That includes you.
Participants must be able and willing to use a computer for one hour and actively participate in a discussion. Familiarity with the OSSP website is NOT required.
Eligibility: Any currently enrolled UIC undergraduate or professional student is eligible to participate.
The good part: No personally identifiable information will be collected from the participants.
The better part: No physical, psychological or social risks are associated with the study!
The best part? One participant per session will win a $30 Amazon gift-card. (Sessions will be small, your chances of winning are about 1 in 6)
If you would like to take part in the focus group please let us know by sending the following information to by Tuesday 8 April. Please help us spread the word---tell your friends, and tell your friends to tell their friends.
Date preference (indicate Wednesday 4/16 or Friday 4/18 availability---or both):
You will receive an email confirming your participation as well as the date, time and location of your focus group. If you have any questions kindly contact