Leadership Lecture Series: Emotional Intelligence
Dr. Don Kluemper, Assistant Professor of Management, UIC College of Business
Tuesday, April 1, 9:30 am in 121 Burnham Hall
Dr. Kluemper is an Assistant Professor of Management at UIC, and received his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from Oklahoma State University. His dissertation focused on the examination of ability-based emotional intelligence in the structured employment interview, and his research on Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management is widely published. Dr. Kluemper has also received numerous awards for his excellence in teaching.
Sponsored by the UIC Honors College in collaboration with HON 401 Honors Leadership Seminar. For a complete list of Leadership Lecture Series events this semester, see the attached flyer. Questions: Contact hcollege@uic.edu or (312) 413-2260.