Leadership Lecture Series: Gender and Leadership
Emilia DiMenco, President and CEO, Women’s Business Development Center
Retired Executive Vice President, BMO Harris Bank, N.A.
Tuesday, February 25, 9:30 am in 121 Burnham Hall
Emilia DiMenco is the Chief Operating Officer of the Women’s Business Development Center, which she began after completing a 32-year career as an executive vice president with Harris Bank’s Corporate and Commercial Banking team. Currently, she is responsible for all aspects of nonprofit leadership, including program management, fundraising, succession planning, and strategic planning. Among her accomplishments, she has launched two microloan programs with a pool of nearly $1 million in loans. Emilia is well-known for her contributions to leading civic and professional organizations, including the YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago.
Sponsored by the UIC Honors College in collaboration with HON 401 Honors Leadership Seminar. For a complete list of Leadership Lecture Series events this semester, see the attached flyer. Questions: Contact hcollege@uic.edu or 312-413-2260.