Eligibility: Be a citizen / permanent resident of the United States or citizen of India; Be between the ages of 21 and 34 on September 1, 2014; Complete an undergraduate degree prior to September 1, 2014
The selection process for the Fellowship is designed to identify candidates with an interest in serving India, the maturity and flexibility to work and live effectively in India, the experience to make meaningful contributions to NGOs and social enterprises in India, and the leadership potential to become leaders on development issues. The selection criteria for a successful Fellow include the following attributes:
- General knowledge of the development field and development issues in India
- Ability to demonstrate a humble appreciation of other cultures and circumstances, and a willingness to acclimate to these differences
- Thoughtful consideration for the role the Fellowship experience will play in their life
- Ability and willingness to independently and creatively find ways to be helpful at their host organization
- Flexibility and adaptability to challenging living and working conditions Indian language skills are not required, but considered a highly valuable asset
Students interested in applying should explore the application on the website and follow up with Beth Powers bpowers@uic.edu for assistance with applying: http://aif.org/investment-area/leadership/