via the Econ Club:
Join the Econ Club!
All undergraduate students interested in economics, regardless of whether or not you're majoring or minoring in it, are invited to join the Economics Club. This semester, the Economics Club will be meeting on Wednesdays from 2:00-2:50pm via Zoom.
Joining the Econ Club is a great way for students to learn more about economics and what one can do with an economics degree after gr aduation, meet other students with similar interests, and interact with members of the Economics faculty outside of the classroom. We hold events with speakers across the industry and social events throughout the semester!
Fill out this interest form to be added to our GroupMe and hear about upcoming events.
The Econ Club Board applications are also open! This is a great way to gain leadership experience, get involved on campus, and get to know other students interested in Economics. To apply, fill out the short Google Form linked below.
The first speaker event will also be on Wednesday, September 14th so look out for the details on that soon!
Visit our website for more information or check out our Instagram @econclub_uic